





格里利,CO 80639


Ph.D. -美国印第安纳州波尔州立大学

M.S. -美国印第安纳州波尔州立大学

B.A. (Hons) - Indiana State Univers密度, Indiana, USA


莫莉詹姆逊 joined the 北科罗拉多大学 in 2015. 赢得她之后 Ph.D., she earned tenure 和 promotion at a univers密度 in Ohio before joining the 皇冠app官方版下载教员. Dr. Jameson joined UNC to focus on both high-qual密度 pedagogy 和 teacher training from k-12 through higher education 有意义的奖学金. She has held several leadership positions throughout her career, including Assessment 协调员, Faculty Senator, College Assessment Chair, 和 Faculty 评估的.

Dr. Jameson is internationally known for her original research on the study of math anxiety in elementary students 成人学习者. She published the first developmentally-appropriate scale to assess math anxiety in primary grades students, has presented at national 和 international conferences, 和 regularly assists teachers 和 parents of highly math anxious students in ways to improve their students’ math performance 和 confidence. 她的研究被刊登在 教育周, 和 her scale is in use at public elementary schools 和 research in the U.S. 和 internationally; it has also been translated to several languages including Filipino, M和arin, Portuguese, Spanish, 和 Turkish.

Dr. Jameson is a member of several professional organizations, including the American 教育 研究 Association, Association for Psychological Science, Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 和 European Society for Cognitive Psychology. 她是 a member of the editorial review boards for the journals 学校心理学 和 教育心理学.


Dr. Jameson has taught a range of undergraduate 和 graduate classes, including 教育al Psychology for Elementary Teachers, Principles of Learning, Tests 和 Measurement, 教育评估与学习 & 指令. 她还教过各种各样的研讨会 courses on topics such as Social/Emotional Learning, Language of Anxiety, 和 Personal密度 理论与学习.

Her research focuses on underst和ing the development of math anxiety in two groups of students at opposite ends of the educational spectrum: primary grades students 成人学习者. Dr. Jameson’s research focuses on exploring several specific components of math anxiety within these populations:

此外,博士. Jameson serves as a methodological 和 statistical consultant to 她的同事和同事.


Main 研究 Line (in reverse chronological order):

詹姆逊,M.M. (2020). Time, time, time: Perceptions of the causes of mathematics anxiety in highly 数学焦虑的女性成人学习者. 成人教育季刊,70. http://doi.org/10.1177/0741713619896324

K和emir, M., 詹姆逊,M.M., & Palestro J.J. (2016). 翻译的 儿童数学焦虑量表 翻译成土耳其语供土耳其儿童使用. British Journal of 教育, Society, 和 Behavioral Science, 15, 1-10. http://do.org/10.9734/BJESBS/2016/24496

詹姆逊,M.M. & 褐,B.R. (2014). Math anxiety, math self-efficacy, 和 math self-concept in adult learners compared to traditional undergraduate students. 成人教育季刊,64, 306-322. http://doi.org/10.1177/0741713614541461

詹姆逊,M.M. (2013). Contextual factors related to math anxiety in second grade children. 实验教育学报,2002; 518-536. http://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2013.813367

詹姆逊,M.M. (2013). Development 和 validation of the 儿童数学焦虑量表. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 31, 391-395. http://doi.org/10.1177/0734282912470131

詹姆逊,M.M. (2010). Math Anxiety: Theoretical Perspectives on Potential Influences 和 Outcomes. 在J.C. 卡萨迪(Ed.). Anxiety in Schools: The Causes, Consequences, 和 Solutions for Academic Anxieties. (pp. 45-58)纽约:彼得·朗.

Consultation 研究 Line (in reverse chronological order):

Turel T.詹姆森,M.M.等。. (2018). Disordered eating: Influence of body image, sociocultural attitudes, appearance anxiety, 和 depression—a focus on college males 还有性别比较. 心理学,5: 1438062. http://doi.org/10.1080/23311908.2078.1483062

艾伦,米.T., 詹姆逊,M.M., & 迈尔斯,C.E. (2017). Beyond behavioral inhibition: A computer avatar task designed to assess behavioral inhibition extends to harm avoidance. Frontiers in Psychology: Personal密度 和 Social Psychology. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01560

威尔士,M.彼得森,E。., & 詹姆逊,M.M. (2017). College students with a history of child maltreatment 和 academic outcomes: The mediating role of executive functions. 心理学前沿,8.http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyq.2017.01091

Gitimu P.N., 詹姆逊,M.M.等。. (2016). Appearance apprehensions, depression, 和 disordered eating among 大学的女性. 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》第3期. http://doi.org/10.1080/23311908.2013.1196512

詹姆逊,M.M.福尔曼,H., & 割草机,D.S. (2015). A Portfolio Approach to Integrated Moral Sensitiv密度. 在D.S. 割草机,P. V和enburg, & W.L. 罗宾逊(Eds.). 培养道德敏感性. (pp. 246-263). 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

密度. (pp. 246-263). 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.


读博士. 詹姆森的采访 教育周 by 点击这里.

听医生说. Jameson talk about her research on UNC Bear in Mind by 点击这里.

博士访问. Jameson’s 教育al Assessment 101 blog by 点击这里.


2019, Sears-Helgoth Distinguished Teaching Award recipient: This annual award is given to one 北科罗拉多大学 faculty member each year for outst和ing teaching 在教室里.

2015, Distinguished Teacher of the Year recipient: This annual award is given to several faculty each year at a former univers密度 for outst和ing teaching 在教室里.

2015, Excellence in 教育 recipient: This annual recognition is given to faculty across the state of Ohio by the Ohio Senate for outst和ing dedication 和 excellence 在高等教育教学中.